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The Ystwyth Trail connects Aberystwyth with Tregaron and follows sections of the old Great Western Railway line as well as connecting us to Aberystwyth. Cyclists can follow the enti​re 20 mile route while sections offer easy cycling for families.

Devils Bridge Falls is a world famous tourist attraction 12 miles from Aberystwyth. These unique waterfalls have attracted many thousands of visitors since the 18th century, including William Wordsworth who wrote about the "Torrent at the Devil's Bridge". Today, the Falls Nature Trail provides a unique opportunity to see this great natural feature in the Rheidol Gorge.

Travelling on the Vale of Rheidol Railway is the finest way to explore the stunning Rheidol Valley. The line is a masterpiece of engineering, opened in 1902 to carry lead ore, timber and passenger traffic. The narrow track gauge allows the railway to follow the contours of the terrain with many sharp curves and steep gradients which add to the railway's charm.

Award winning Aberystwyth Arts Centre is Wales’ largest arts centre and recognised as a 'national flagship for the arts'. It has a wide-ranging artistic programme, both producing and presenting, across all art forms including drama, dance, music, visual arts, applied arts, film, new media, and community arts and is recognised as a national centre for arts development.

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